Drinking in public in Delhi just got tougher with Deputy CM Manish Sisodia announcing that people found drinking outside liquor shops will be slapped with a Rs-5,000 penalty. Those found creating nuisance will be fined Rs 10,000 and may also face arrest and a jail term of three months as stipulated in the law. The Delhi Government will strictly enforce the rule from November 7. Manish Sisodia who also holds the excise profile said that the plan for action has been prepared for a crackdown on open consumption of liquor in public places. The Government has already put steps in place to discourage people from drinking outside liquor shops in the capital. The rule will also stress on women safety and the law and order situation in the union territory.
Apart from this, the Delhi Government also has plans to crackdown on illegal businesses which flourish because of open consumption of alcohol. They also plan to conduct raids on general stores which sell drinking glasses and fruit chaat.
In a statement to media, Sisodia said that a few days ago, him along with with excise officials, raided liquor shops in Mayur Vihar Phase II on complaints of locals and found people drinking liquor in the open. The deputy CM then led an inspection team of the excise department to four shops. On finding alarming discrepancies, he ordered for suspension of licence of one shop.
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