Common interests, likes, dislikes, blood, bonding, and attraction enable us to establish relationships with many people, such as family members, neighbors, cousins, partners, spouses, friends and even pets.
Choose the option that is closest in meaning to the main word and complete the sentence
1. Empathized (em-puh-thet-ik)-
The minister ____ with those who had lost their homes in the hurricane and promised to provide relief.
(a. spoke b. identified c. agreed)
2. Filial (fil-ee-uh l)-
Even though Annie was placed in foster care, she showed ____ devotion to her foster parents.
(a. familial b. celestial c. relentless)
3. Consanguineous (kon-sang-gwin-ee-uh s)-
_____ marriages pose an increased risk of congenital disorders in the offspring; however, they are still practised in many parts of the world.
(a. arranged b. love c. same ancestry)
4. Philotherianism (fi-lo-ther- uh- niz-uh m)-
Displaying his ____, Steve Irwin, in his TV shows, always stated that animals are some of the greatest friends and companions that we have.
(a. love for comedy b. love for humanity c. love for animals)
5. Bromance (broh-mans)-
Best friends since childhood, Brad and Matt demonstrate the perfect example of ______.
(a. close but platonic b. close and intimate c. close but secretive)
1 . B , 2 . A , 3 . C , 4 . C , 5 . A
Word Pyramid
The clues will help you find the answers to complete the word pyramid. Each answer must contain the previous answer. You may arrange the words with a new letter. Hint: Start from the top
1. Chemical symbol for oxygen
2. Abbreviation for over time
3. A popular cereal for breakfast
4. A very miniscule amount
5. A paved outdoor area adjoining a house
6. A form of allergy involving hypersensitivity reaction
7. Relating to matters of current or local interest
8. A relationship free from physical desire
1. O
2. OT
3. OAT
Volume 5 Issue 8
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