Many words in English sound so similar that it’s not surprising to mix up their definitions or misuse them.
Choose the option that is closest in meaning to the main word and complete the sentence.
1. disinterested (dis-in-tuh-res-tid)
Only if its members are ____, can the jury render an impartial verdict.
(a) unbiased (b) unconcerned (c) nenthusiastic
2. dissembled (dih-sem-buh l-ed)
In an attempt to augment his earnings, the relationship manager _____ his clients with fraudulent investment schemes.
(a) eluded (b) swayed (c) misled
3. bemused (bih-myoozd)
The recent disappearance of a massive number of star clusters in the Milky Way galaxy has ___ astronomers.
(a) confused (b) amused (c) depressed
4. reverted (ri-vurt-ed)
Inundated with complaints from customers, the internet service provider re-evaluated its security policy and ____ to its former policy.
(a) responded (b) replied (c) returned
5. redundant([ri-duhn-duhnt)
Now that most multinational corporations have moved their offices to the suburbs, the commercial buildings in the city have become ____.
(a) unnecessaryb (b) repetitive (c) obsolete
1 . A , 2 . C , 3 . A , 4 . C , 5 . A
Word Pyramid
The clues will help you find the answers to complete the word pyramid. Each answer must contain the previous answer. You may arrange the words with a new letter.
Hint: Start from the top
1. Abbreviation for River in geography
2. Sun God in Egyptian religion
3. The organ with which you hear
4. To pull apart and leave irregular edges
5. Angry or Enraged
6. Light sensitive membrane that lines the inner eyeball
7. A tower attached to a mosque
8. Clothing, apparels, garments
9. Places for travellers to board or get off
10. To make a process more efficient
11. The act of derailing (plural)
Volume 4 Issue 8
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