Que pasa, readers?
Many Spanish words have found their way into the English language as a result of the interactions between Spanish and Mexican cowboys and the Americans they were working for, and trade transactions between the Caribbean and the United States.
Choose the option that is closest in meaning to the main word and complete the sentence.
1. Pronto (pron-toh)
The teacher announced the date of the approaching exams and instructed the students to start studying _____.
(a) immediately (b) slowly (c) independently
2. Suave (swahv)
The ____ job applicant impressed each of the interviewers on the panel with his charm and intelligence.
(a) uncivilized (b) zealous (c) sophisticated
3. Peccadillo (pek-uh-dil-oh)
The principal forgave the children for their ____ of breaking the glass window but lectured them on observing safety measures while playing.
(a) minor offense (b) deliberate attempt (c) failed actions
4. Desperado (des-puh-rah-doh)
An armed ____ forced his way into the store, threatened the cashier and fled with all the money.
(a) hoodlum (b) cavalier (c) loyalist
5. Embargo (em-bahr-goh)
In 1960, the United States imposed a trade ____ against Cuba with the objective of weakening the Cuban economy.
(a) agreement (b) prohibition (c) strategy
1 . A , 2 . C , 3 . A , 4 . A , 5 . B
Word Pyramid
The clues will help you find the answers to complete the word pyramid. Each answer must contain the previous
answer. You may arrange the words with a new letter.
Hint: Start from the top
1. Geometric abbreviation for length
2. ‘The’ in Spanish
3. The fifth sign of the zodiac or the lion
4. To suffer defeat in a game or competition
5. Opposite of open
6. Body cavity containing visceral organs (plural)
7. Plants also known as Spider Flowers
8. Abbreviation for telecommunications
9. Most attractive or pleasing
10. Edible or fit to be eaten
Volume 4 Issue 6
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