
5 Essential Skills Required To Succeed As An Author

Becoming a successful author requires a multifaceted skill set encompassing a wide range of abilities. Aspiring writers must cultivate qualities…

1 year ago

The Art Of Brevity In Writing

This week I was asked by my professor to give a presentation summarizing my entire project in just one PowerPoint…

4 years ago

Twitter @ MOJOROJO

He’s a Stand-up Comedian, Writer, Bombayite, Grammar Nazi, LOST/Breaking Bad/Louie/Everything on EZTV fan, Astronaut, Nobel Laureate, three-time Grammy winner, and full-time pathological liar.…

9 years ago

Letting You Go

Our writer of the month, Khushboo Golani transforms her favourite Ed Sheeran song, Give me Love, into a story    …

11 years ago

Wordsmith of the month: Shiuli Dutta

Shiuli is a media student who writes evocative stories laced with poetry. About her piece, Shades of Black, she says,…

11 years ago