
This Stress Awareness Month, Deal with the Stress of Transition from School to College in a Healthier way!This Stress Awareness Month, Deal with the Stress of Transition from School to College in a Healthier way!

This Stress Awareness Month, Deal with the Stress of Transition from School to College in a Healthier way!

Stress! A word that reminds one of an unpleasant feeling caused due to different pressures. Many have talked on this…

6 years ago
The ‘S’word: Life Coach Biji Tushar talks to us about dealing with ‘Stress’ and all that comes with itThe ‘S’word: Life Coach Biji Tushar talks to us about dealing with ‘Stress’ and all that comes with it

The ‘S’word: Life Coach Biji Tushar talks to us about dealing with ‘Stress’ and all that comes with it

It is very easy to find ourselves struggling in our search for a purpose in life, and the concept of…

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Effective Exam Tips To Ace Your Board ExaminationsEffective Exam Tips To Ace Your Board Examinations

Effective Exam Tips To Ace Your Board Examinations

With final exams just around the corner, we are all eager to study smarter rather than harder. With that in mind, Jeannie provides you…

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Supplement YourselfSupplement Yourself

Supplement Yourself

With your current diets and schedules, getting all the required vitamins and minerals is a difficult process. Jay Mehta tells…

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Beat the exam blues

One thing every student should remember is that exams and academics are not the end of the world. Stressing about…

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Taking ChargeTaking Charge

Taking Charge

Nisha JamVwal walks you through the emotional rollercoaster that is life If I were to describe our times, I’d say two things stand out in this era…

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