Social Media

Best High Paying Side Jobs To Supplement Your Income

If you find yourself living from paycheck to paycheck and are struggling to manage your finances a side job apart…

5 years ago

Bollywood Celebs that have had an Ouch Moment on Social Media

If social media is bringing the world closer, it is also being used as a medium to mock others. Social…

6 years ago

Worrisome Spending Is Happening Guys! Thank Social Media For That

Are you aware that the more time you spend online, the more likely you are to empty your wallet? This…

6 years ago

Indian Moms Start An Online Matrimony Group For Their Autistic Children

Autism is a condition where a person struggles with social skills, speech and non-verbal communication. According to the Centres for…

6 years ago

Top Brands That Are Acing The Social Media Game In India

The emergence of Social Media has changed the way we perceive the world. With a majority of the world population…

6 years ago

6 Ways to Deal with E-Jerks and Trolls on Social Media

With the advent of the internet, people all over the world can stay connected. Public profiles and public opinions are…

6 years ago

How To Get Rid Of Your Social Media Addiction

Statistics show that 3.1 billion people worldwide are social media users, of which 210 million people suffer from the internet…

6 years ago

The Most Common Blogging Mistakes: A Step-by-Step Guide For Beginners

Writing and making money while doing so is something that many bloggers dream of. Starting a blog and maintaining a…

6 years ago

Viral videos that made their stars an overnight internet sensation

Here's some of the best examples of the power of social media Priya Varrier It’s hard to imagine how winking…

7 years ago

Lack Of Censorship Has Become Youtube’s Dark Side

There isn’t a single person alive today, who hasn’t spent hours browsing on YouTube. Let’s face it, certain YouTube channels…

7 years ago