
Is Social Media Making You Feel Insecure?

“The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind the scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel."- Steve…

7 years ago

The Aesthetics Of Instagram

Choosing A Color Scheme Do you want it to be Black & White? Or Vintage ? Whichever it is, stick…

7 years ago

Rubric – Lifesaver For All The Instagramers??

So all the Instagram lovers, Do you always wonder what caption to use for your perfect Instagram posts? No worries,…

8 years ago

The Beefed-Up Enigma

The beef ban in the beginning of 2015 took the country by surprise, and made many of us re-evaluate our…

8 years ago

Floral Eyeliner : The New Trend

Needless to say that Instagram is where most of us turn to for serious makeup inspiration. We all know how…

8 years ago

Bold and Bizzare

Devanshi Kapadia tells you what the insta-baddies are crushing over Thanks to the Social Media revolution, anyone with a beauty…

8 years ago

World Photography Day Special: Top 5 photographers to follow on Instagram

On the eve of World Photography Day, we can’t help but thank all the beautiful minds behind their lenses that…

8 years ago

Do you prefer Instagram ‘Stories’ over Snapchat Stories?

Two days back when Instagram introduced a Snapchat like feature where you can upload stories, internet went berserk calling it…

8 years ago

What is FOMO? Columnist & Luxury Consultant Nisha JamVwal share insight on how to overcome it.

In a fast-paced world, are we really making the best use of our time? Or are we doing more than we…

8 years ago

Trends of The Month – June 2016

Tim Cook Visits India When Apple’s CEO Tim Cook visited India, the internet went all gaga over it. He was greeted…

9 years ago