
5 book thrills to give you chills5 book thrills to give you chills

5 book thrills to give you chills

Dystopian fantasy-based books give a surge of thrill and suspense that can be addictive. The sheer joy of reading about a…

9 years ago
Book Review : Seriously, Sitara?Book Review : Seriously, Sitara?

Book Review : Seriously, Sitara?

Seriously, Sitara? - Nishat Fatima   Janvi Manchanda reviews a chick-lit set in the jovial world of Bollywood and explores why…

10 years ago
A heady cocktail of thrills and mythologyA heady cocktail of thrills and mythology

A heady cocktail of thrills and mythology

When it comes to thrillers, India is sorely lacking in the genre. Our writers write a lot of romance and…

11 years ago
Shows for the 'Game of Thrones' junkieShows for the 'Game of Thrones' junkie

Shows for the 'Game of Thrones' junkie

The new season of 'Game of Thrones' is out this month, but if one episode a week is not good…

11 years ago
Introducing Tolkien's universeIntroducing Tolkien's universe

Introducing Tolkien's universe

Before you watch the new Hobbit film, 'The Desolation of Smaug', you might need to brush up on your knowledge…

11 years ago
Wordsmith of the month: Teesha ThomasWordsmith of the month: Teesha Thomas

Wordsmith of the month: Teesha Thomas

Teesha Thomas is a copywriter working on a full-time basis with an advertising agency. About this story, she says, “Dudley’s…

11 years ago
Incursion 2: The ArtifactIncursion 2: The Artifact

Incursion 2: The Artifact

Dark forces come again. The kingdom calls upon you to fight against this forces. Our lands needs a hero! Lead…

12 years ago
Hidden Fables 2Hidden Fables 2

Hidden Fables 2

Hidden Fables 2 brings a new hidden object challenge. Choose one of the 2 difficulty modes and find all 125…

12 years ago
Giants and Dwarves TDGiants and Dwarves TD

Giants and Dwarves TD

The kingdom is under the attack of huge devastating giants and relentless waves of enemies. Build multistoried towers to defend…

12 years ago
The King's League: OdysseyThe King's League: Odyssey

The King's League: Odyssey

Like its predecessor, The League: Odyssey offers a tiny army for your battling needs. An attempted murder on the King…

12 years ago