Categories: AwarenessEDUCATION

Know Your 'basic' Rights Live Like a King

We often don’t know our ‘basic’ right and end up remaining ‘Ziplocked,’ bearing ‘injustice’. Get the knowledge bat on

Sleep – ‘Raat or Din’
The right to life just put on some calories. A citizen’s (deshdrohis not included) right to sleep peacefully has been placed under it. Teachers will surely have a hard time telling students ‘Don’t sleep in class’.

Phone a Friend
If a person is arrested, he has the right to inform a friend or relative or any other person (who would hopefully come and help) about his arrest and the place he is
detained in.

Hey, I’M a Lady
A woman cannot be arrested before sunrise or after sunset; that doesn’t mean women can flaunt the sins at that time. With prior permission of a magistrate, a woman can be arrested before sunrise or after sunset, and taken into custody only in presence of a woman police officer.

Cheating in Exam?
Advocate Nikhil Ved says many states have promulgated their own laws. Rajasthan Public Examination (Prevention of Unfair Means) Act, 1992 vide Extraordinary Gazette Notification states that the use of unfair means at a public examination is an offence and  the person(s) found guilty can be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend up to three years or with a fine which may extend up to Rs. 2,000 or with both.

Indecent Behaviour in Public Places
Mr Ved says indecent behaviour, an offence under Sections 110 and 117 of Bombay Police Act, 1951, would be registered as a complaint, but there is no clear definition of the terms ‘obscenity’ and ‘indecent behaviour’ in the Act. The Act also prohibits use of indecent language or disorderly behaviour on a street, at a public place or in an office.

Skipping Essentials
Driving without a horn, or improper horn usage amounts to Rs. 100 fine. Jumping redlights or not wearing a helmet/seatbelt amounts to Rs. 500 fine.

Parking Ramayanas
Parking at a taxi stand, within 15 metres on either side of a bus stop, at corners or any other parking misdemeanor amounts to Rs. 100 fine. A higher fine is clearly a bribe request.

Dry Days

Acquiring a Drinking Permit

  • You must be or above the legal age for drinking specified by the state government (this is applicable for non-dry states only)
  • Fees for the permit are approximately Rs. 100 for 1 year and Rs. 1,000 for life

Papers to submit:

  • Proof of age and residence (passport/PAN card/driver’s license copy)
  • One small, stamp-sized photo
  • One 25×30 mm photo for the permit (this is two sizes smaller than the regular passport photo)
  • One regular, passport size photo for the application
  • Court stamp
  • Application form
  • Permit fees
  • Running from pillar to post with these papers
  • Now what kills? Drinking or acquiring a permit? Let the supreme authorities decide.

Drunk Driving Laws

  • The blood alcohol content (BAC) limits are fixed at 0.03% or 35 μl alcohol in 100 ml blood. Any person whose BAC values are above this limit is booked under the first offence. A person may be fined about Rs. 2000 andor he or she may face a maximum of 6 months’ imprisonment.
  • If a second offence is committed within 3 years of the first, then the person may be fined about Rs. 3000 and/or he or she may face a maximum of 2 years’ imprisonment.
  • If the BAC limit is between 30 and 60 mg per 100 ml of blood, the penalty would be 6 months of imprisonment and/or Rs. 2,000 fine.

Don’t Talk-A-Drive

  • Even if you are in a sober state, talking on a cellphone, using hands-free instruments or texting while driving amounts to Rs. 500 fine. Subsequent violations can be as high as Rs. 5000.


Volume 2  Issue 4




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