Packard Bell, a subsidiary of Acer, has launched the oneTwo S all-in-one system in India. It has a gargantuan 20 inch touchscreen and comes with plenty of power in form of 2nd Generation Core series Sandy Bridge from Intel, AMD Processors upto Phenom II X6, and an optional graphics card from either NVIDIA or AMD. Packard Bell has tried to make the best of the touchscreen by pre-loading it with TouchBrowser, TouchMusic, TouchPhoto, TouchVideo, and TouchCam apps. And there’s an integrated HD Camera for your chatting needs and a TV Tuner for sports.
Volume 1 Issue 1
Scam! Did the word make you scared? Scams can happen anytime at any place with…
Toxic work culture exists across the globe, but the recent L&T controversy, where the CEO…
~ The Badminton pro made a powerful statement as she stepped on to the court…
The Bharat Mobility Global Expo 2025 stands as India’s premier global mobility event, bringing together…
The fashion and beauty industry is constantly evolving, due to new innovations and ever- changing…
Image Credits: Jai Hind College The Global Entrepreneurship Summit 2025, presented by Edme Insurance Brokers…