Career Features

Rhythm divine

Seven forms. Innumerable mudras and bhavas. A taal and you’re set. That’s the charm of Indian classical dance, finds a…

13 years ago

Role Play

So you want to make a break into the television or film industry, but you have no idea where to…

13 years ago

The Status of Science

With popular disciplines like finance and management taking front seat, are the pure sciences slowly declining in India? Youth Inc…

13 years ago

Cook it Up! (George Bernard Shaw)

Ever thought about the process of food from raw materials to delectable dishes at your restaurant table? Shraddha Kamdar finds…

13 years ago

A Time To Heal

If you think you have healing hands or simply not interested in the pressures of "pure" medicine, a career in…

13 years ago

The Glamour Quotient

Air-hostesses in earlier days were some of the most beautiful women in the country; cosmopolitan, well-spoken and impeccably groomed. A…

13 years ago

In Practice

Physiotherapists Bhani Chandok and Kunal Merchant talk to Shraddha Kamdar about their varied experiences in the field

13 years ago

The Number Game

It's like being a doctor, but for the financial well-being of your clients. Youth Inc takes a look at what…

13 years ago

The Social Net 'Worth'

You don't need to be Salman Khan to give back to society. Hell, you don't even need to be anyone…

13 years ago

Graphology: Art Of Reading Of An Individual’s Personality

Graphology is becoming a popular career as personality analysis finds application to a variety of fields, from HR to Teaching…

13 years ago