A Complete No For These At Your Workplace!!

At some point or the other; people always do something they are not supposed to at work. Minal Patodia lists…

13 years ago

Dietetics and Nutrition: A Lucrative Career For Health Enthusiasts

With the realisation of the importance of a healthy diet, Ankita Deuri explores the vast sea of opportunities that a…

13 years ago

Is Your Voice Capable Of Producing Any Sound Under The Sun? You Might Make A Good Voice-Over Artist

Youth Inc gives you all the facts about embarking on an alternative career as a voice-over artist

13 years ago

The Right Mix

If your passion for sound runs high enough to want to make a living out of it, explore a career…

13 years ago

Plastic is Bad – Especially if it's smile

Apoorva Nanjangud explores the symptoms, causes and cure to the world of 'plastic' mean girls

13 years ago


New year resolutions are notoriously difficult to keep. Youth Inc gives you some help in 2012 to keep them!

13 years ago

Show me the Moolah !

Negotitating your salary is one of the most important steps of your job interview. Get what you deserve with these…

13 years ago

Get Noticed!

While a great resume may not always get you hired, supplementing it with a stellar cover letter is a sure-shot…

13 years ago

Young Turk

Faisal Farooqui, CEO of talks exclusively to Youth Inc about being an entrepreneur in the dotcom industry and more

13 years ago

A Pill to POP

Apoorva Nanjangud takes you throgh the nitty gritties of a career in pharmacy that deals with everything from a headache…

13 years ago